Freitag, 2. Juli 2010

June 2010 Update

At the Sense Festival in Järna (Ytterjärna), organized by the YIP-year II, a meeting of different people who want to help carry Connect took place. The date was decided before hand: June 12th until 18th are the dates inbetween whcih Connect will take place in Järna, Sweden next year. Now the process of organization needs to start speeding up. Classes around the world need to be contacted, teachers informed and convinced, students inspired and prepared.

To have a look at the location where Connect will be held go to the YIP website. The Youth Initiative Program is taking place at the Rudolf Steiner Seminar in Järna, Sweden for the third time as of August 2010. Connect will be held on the same premises. (also look at the Culture House in Ytterjärna.

On the way home from Sense I stopped by in Ghent, Belgium and spoke with the Belgian teacher Arnout who is on contact with the potential Connect participants in Belgium. Back in Basel I am having conversations with different Connect-Activists. Caitlin B. and Che W. from the Connect 09 team have helpful thoughts about how Connect can develop into the new form it could take on in Sweden.

On Sunday Night I am scheduled to have a phone-conversation with Renate R., a teacher from Witten, Germany, who is in charge of a project that replaces the normal class 12 syllabus in her school for the students that dont do the common Abitur.

In the meantime I am emailing and Skyping with many others to re-inliven the Connect network for this next event!

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