Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2009

The Night Cafe!

We are looking for your favourite music to play in the chill out zone Night Cafe every night at Connect...
Please post your suggestions as a comment here!! And we ll do our best to find it!!

4 Kommentare:

  1. Mmmhhh, we are mostlz looking into chill out stuff, but mazbe later at night we should have a GOA party one night? What artists are there? Give me names... ;)

  2. some reggae perhaps?.. Alpha Blondy, Elijah Prophet, Mystic Revealers

  3. Hi there, what abou rock´n´roll or blues jaming?:) I like the basics, L-Z, Deep Purple, Blues Brothers. And also contemporary music- The Black Crowes, Michal Pavlíček, Cent-Rock ( But I love any emotional playing. I hope that´s not too much:)
