Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2009

The Connect Conference 2009


The Connect Conference will be a space where we can imagine and practice how we want society to be. As young people who care about the world today, it is our aim to raise awareness of a shared future that we can and must co- create. Students from all over the world are invited to come together at the Goetheanum for a conference where each participant will be a partner in shaping it.
For the fourth time, the Connect Conference invites 12th grade classes from Waldorf schools worldwide to celebrate the completion of their Waldorf education together with 500 of their peers. Each student will have the opportunity to imagine how this common background has shaped his biography. As former Waldorf students, we appreciate our education and the, often different, ways in which we understand the world. During our time in school we must focus on ourselves, learning to become our own person. As we grow this focus begins to shift towards shaping not only ourselves, but taking responsibility for the world around us. The Connect conference marks the transition from a time of learning about oneself to orienting oneself within society. We want to be able to acknowledge and celebrate this transition together.
This year the Connect Conference invites the students to exhibit their class 12 projects in a grand exhibition at the Goethanum and to carry the morning with workshops and podium discussions around their projects. In the afternoon, people who are active in initiatives from the Youthsection network will invite the students to participate in conversations and activities looking at the challenges of contemporary society. The afternoons will be rounded out by a short lecture held by a Changemaker. A cultural evening program of dramatic and musical performances follows. Each participant will have the opportunity to become a contributor to the Connect Conference and vice versa. Our goal is to create a living picture in which it is evident that each of us is both a participant and contributor in all that we do in the Connect Conference as well as in society.

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