Sonntag, 26. April 2009

How does it feel when you get home?

Sitting in Dornach after the conference, my ears desperately trying to pick up a Connectee's voice, a drum, a laughter, a ball being played, the gong calling us in...but nothing...
My eyes searching constantly for those bags, for Connect Crew Tshirts, for busy people on the hill...nope...all gone...
Uff...its quiet and empty over here...and I need to get used to the hill again without you guys. It feels like ever since they took off the CONNECT banner the Goetheanum has closed its eyes and has gone back to sleep. But it remebers. It remembers everything very well!

How do you guys feel now? What stuck with you from Connect? What did you take home? I for myself vowed to chage my life and only keep the good things after Connect...and you? How can we include Connect into what is waiting at home? How to carry on the spirit into normal life? Sahre your thoughts here!!!

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