Freitag, 13. März 2009

37 days...

Connect is grandly under way. In all parts of the world people are stirring and preparing for this awesome event! We have workshops for the first two mornings, so please dont forget to sign in your class 12 project as a presentation or other activity for your fellow Connectees to take part in...and if you dont want to do it in advance you do have the chance to sign up at the conference itself.
We have some people signed up for the exhibition at the Goetheanum and are still expecting a lot more to come our way!

The afternoon groups are settled and being fixed every day now, awesome contributors are signed up and on their way, preparing meaningful content for you all!

The night cafe is being planned by our helpers from the local Waldorfschool, whom are coming to meetings with us regularly and who have very good ideas how to shape a chill out zone and night cafe club for all of you so even the evenings will be a great experience.

The only problem we are facing now is the money. In this moment we are short of about 50.000 Swiss Francs. One of the bigger foundations just dropped our applications and now we are struggling to find ways how to finance Connect. If you have ideas please let us know!

But so far we are no where near giving up!

See you soon, here in Dornach!

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